Killing PLUG softly

Kristian Erik Hermansen kristian.hermansen at
Wed May 19 22:03:50 MST 2010

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 9:44 PM, Jim <farli at> wrote:
> I am with you, Kristian.  I have watched this LUG be reborn into a vibrant
> community.  I for one will NOT let Joshua and a few other stubborn
> ideologues interrupt the great technical discussions on this mailing list.
> btw, could you trip Kobe on his way to the airport?

My pleasure!  I am a Celtics fan anyway, being originally from Boston
;)  Can't wait to see the Celts humiliate the Lakes again like 2008,
even after everyone said Boston couldn't make it past the last
Kristian Erik Hermansen

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