Killing PLUG softly

Joshua Zeidner jjzeidner at
Tue May 18 22:12:48 MST 2010

  yes, you can't have order and build value without a clear sense of
membership.  wouldn't you agree?


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 10:09 PM, Jim <farli at> wrote:

> fine Matt - I will sit here and watch the PLUG mailing list degenerate into
> everything it was never intended to just because I dont have to read it!
> Grow up!  Linux is based on some serious principles!  Isnt it time you
> exhibited some?
> matt.nesteruk at wrote:
>> if you don't like what's being said don't read it, but don't censor your
>> fellow plug members from debating.
>> -Matt
>> Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jim <farli at>
>> Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 21:57:17 To: Main PLUG discussion list<
>> plug-discuss at>
>> Subject: Re: Killing PLUG softly
>> Well said, Alan.
>> I was there when PLUG reformed and watched it grow into a vibrant part of
>> the Linux community.  While we all have opinions about a myriad of topics,
>> the binding thread of this part of the Linux community, this mailing list,
>> is not, never was, and never should be a venue for extended discussions of
>> non-Linux-related topics.
>> When I saw a particular discussion devolve into lies and insulting
>> name-calling, I was ashamed!  Too bad those who perpetuated that discussion
>> would not or could not act sooner.
>> Here, we are all PLUG!  If you dont like being part of PLUG, if you choose
>> to degenerate one of the best parts of PLUG into vile ranting and baseless
>> accusations, spare the rest of us and take your pettiness elsewhere.
>> ::steppiung off the soap box::
>> Alan Dayley wrote:
>>> I've stayed out of this latest round of off-topic threads.  I am happy
>>> to see vibrant discussion.  I am unhappy to see personal attacks and
>>> other silliness.  I'm unhappy to see it go on and on.
>>> This is enough.  It's just enough.
>>> I don't go to a email list or forum on topic A to be drown in
>>> discussions about topic W.  That topic W may be important, the points
>>> and counter-points offered in brilliance and courtesy doesn't matter.
>>> If the venue is supposed to be about topic A, the majority of the
>>> conversation should be about topic A.  Etiquette and respect for the
>>> community around the chosen topic dictate that other topics should be
>>> minimal.
>>> It doesn't matter how strongly you feel about what someone said about
>>> some off-topic post.  Continuing to reply off-topic such that the main
>>> purpose of the community is drowning into the background is
>>> disrespectful.  Don't do it.  For example, it would be rude of me to
>>> go to a meeting of alcoholics anonymous and use my turn to talk so
>>> that I might espouse the benefits of a vegetarian diet.  Don't do it.
>>> - Using the delete key is not the answer because that only masks the
>>> destruction of the group's purpose.  And only masks it for one person.
>>>  Same with filters.
>>> - Flagging as "OT" is helpful but when the OT posts dwarf the
>>> purpose-oriented information, such a tag is nearly useless.
>>> - Moderation is not the answer because that will suck volunteer's time
>>> and smacks of "babysitter-ism"  Do we really need to be forced into
>>> good manners?  Really?
>>> This is a Linux email list created by a Linux User Group for the
>>> purposes of discussing Linux and subjects directly related to Linux.
>>> Period.  Politics should only be discussed when it directly effects
>>> Linux/OSS/FS use and promotion in some way.  To continue all this
>>> discussion of boycotts, immigration and the like is killing the core
>>> meaning of the group.
>>> Stop.  Please.
>>> Alan
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