OT ditching Apple products due to boycotts?

JD Austin jd at twingeckos.com
Mon May 17 20:47:10 MST 2010

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 20:12, Bryan O'Neal <
Bryan.ONeal at theonealandassociates.com> wrote:

> Well... we did steal it from Mexico. In a style that is reminiscent of the
> Romans but is still distinctly American. In truth it is an awesome tail of
> we want it, we can make claim for it, we can take it, and we are so cool the
> rest of the world will demand you apologize to us for making us take it from
> you. We are some bad as* mot** f**** :)
> But that is just my humble opinion ;)
> That's like saying that I stole your car when I drove away with it after
paying you $5k ;)
Mexico was conquered by Spain which annexed what we call California and
other areas.  Later Mexico ceded California and New Mexico in the Mexican
American war for the agreed upon price of $15M.   Other parts of southern
America were purchased in the Gadsden Purchase and Louisiana Purchase.


Great map here:

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