samba rename bug

Craig White craigwhite at
Mon Aug 17 23:12:41 MST 2009

On Mon, 2009-08-17 at 18:29 -0700, Eric Shubert wrote:
> Back in March I created this bug report: 
> That was on samba-3.0.33, which is the current version on CentOS5. I was 
> notified today that 3.0 is no longer under maintenance. As it turns out, 
> 3.2.x (the version in FC10) is also out of maintenance. The current 
> stable release of samba is 3.4.0, released 7/3/09. FC11 is on 3.3.x. I'm 
> getting a clear picture of who's the tortoise and who's the hare. ;) I 
> expect that FC12 will have samba-3.4.x.
> Anyway, I'm wondering if by chance anyone's running 3.3 or 3.4 and can 
> verify whether this bug still exists or not. If it does, I had a patch 
> for the 3.0 source that I'll look into reworking and submitting to the 
> 3.4 (preferrably) or 3.3 branch.
> The bug is really easy to test. See the bug report. I just don't have a 
> recent version of samba operational yet, and don't want to waste any 
> time on it if the bug's been fixed.
I'm pretty sure that has rpm's for RHEL/CentOS v5 (Volker is that you can install without too much effort but yes, RHEL 5
is still backporting security patches only to 3.0.33. Didn't that patch
come from Volker?

No, I've not installed any version other than Fedora 10/11 and
RHEL/CentOS versions to test


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