samba rename bug

Eric Shubert ejs at
Mon Aug 17 18:29:17 MST 2009

Back in March I created this bug report:

That was on samba-3.0.33, which is the current version on CentOS5. I was 
notified today that 3.0 is no longer under maintenance. As it turns out, 
3.2.x (the version in FC10) is also out of maintenance. The current 
stable release of samba is 3.4.0, released 7/3/09. FC11 is on 3.3.x. I'm 
getting a clear picture of who's the tortoise and who's the hare. ;) I 
expect that FC12 will have samba-3.4.x.

Anyway, I'm wondering if by chance anyone's running 3.3 or 3.4 and can 
verify whether this bug still exists or not. If it does, I had a patch 
for the 3.0 source that I'll look into reworking and submitting to the 
3.4 (preferrably) or 3.3 branch.

The bug is really easy to test. See the bug report. I just don't have a 
recent version of samba operational yet, and don't want to waste any 
time on it if the bug's been fixed.

-Eric 'shubes'

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