Is it OK to associate 1 wireless bridge to 2 APs? (fwd)

kitepilot at kitepilot at
Tue Apr 14 10:32:47 MST 2009

Hello world:
I'm resending this because I haven't seen it pop in the list and I had some 
server issues after we got hit by a BIG storm.
Apologies if I sent it twice.


 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "kitepilot at" <kitepilot at>
To: Main PLUG discussion list <plug-discuss at>
Subject: Is it OK to associate 1 wireless bridge to 2 APs?
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 05:59:35 -0400 

Hello there:
This question makes many assumptions, most of which I have no real knowledge 
of, so feel free to jump at any statement. 

I have a "tree" of APs all with the same ESSID.  The reasons, valid or 
invalid, are beyond the scope of the question, but feel free to challenge 
the wisdom...   :)
Long story short, I'm ditching the whole idea, but that's another post. 

The issue is that I can see the MAC address of one client,
registered in the arp table (associated) to 2 different APs SIMULTANEOUSLY. 

Now, the question is:
Is it OK for a bridge to associate to 2 APs simultaneously?
Is that reflecting other problems?
Will it become a performance issue (loop)?

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