how best to convert a pdf to a high-res jpg?

Kristian Erik Hermansen kristian.hermansen at
Tue Jan 22 15:49:41 MST 2008

On Jan 22, 2008 2:42 PM, Josef Lowder <joe at> wrote:
> But as a result of your suggestion, I checked man convert
> and then googled the 'net but have not been able to find a
> syntax example for the use of the -quality option. I tried these:
> convert -quality filename.pdf filename.jpg
> convert: invalid argument for option `filename.pdf': -quality.
> convert filename.pdf -quality filename.jpg
> convert: option requires an argument `-quality'

I think...
$ convert -quality 100 file.pdf file.jpg

> Also, I looked on my system for 'xsane' but did not find that.
> So, please forgive my ignorance, but I'm not sure how to proceed.

In Ubuntu, it is installed by default.  I don't know what you are
running, but find it in your package management software repos...
Kristian Erik Hermansen
"Know something about everything and everything about something."

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