how best to convert a pdf to a high-res jpg?

Kristian Erik Hermansen kristian.hermansen at
Tue Jan 22 14:30:21 MST 2008

On Jan 22, 2008 1:02 PM, Josef Lowder <joe at> wrote:
> What is the best and most efficient way to convert a high-res
> 2.5-meg pdf to a high-res jpg without losing (too much) image quality?
> I tried the 'convert' utility, but the result is poor quality.
> Perhaps there are convert utility options that that might yield
> a better result, but I don't know what they are or how to use them.

Did you try the -quality option?  PDFs are compressed, so converting
to a large JPG will expand the size.  Worst case scenario, print it
out, and scan it back in JPG format with xsane :-P
Kristian Erik Hermansen
"Know something about everything and everything about something."

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