What the RIAA really said.

Craig White craig at tobyhouse.com
Wed Jan 2 12:07:11 MST 2008

On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 11:50 -0700, Joshua Zeidner wrote:
> >
> > Blogs and interactions such as these here are the new 'grass-roots'
> > movement and the only one that the public can participate in as even the
> > MSM (main stream media) cannot be trusted to find the story.
>   I can tell you that this list is one of the more active linux lists.
>  I notice there is a clear correspondance between issues discussed
> here and the articles that come up on Slashdot a day later.  And btw-
> the MSM is going to get worse due to these new regulations.
>   Craig, someone here mentioned running for office... why not?  you
> seem like a sincere and concerned person.
thanks for the confidence

why not?

#1 - I have a vivid recollection of running for president of AMUG
(somewhere around 1986) when I was young enough to retain the idealism
of youth where I never considered that people and situations are
manipulated by money, interests and philosophies to such an extent, they
will actually vote against their self-interests. This came as a wake up
call and I see this time and time again...the current administration in
Wash. DC is evidence of this.

#2 - The political process almost mandates that you start on a local
level and I, like many if not most of us have already disengaged on
local politics because of the inherent power retention by very few.
Worse, Arizona politics is disheartening to its core, which is why we
have Sheriff Joe, Andrew Thomas and a past that includes '3 sticks' and
that embarrassment of riches...honest Ev.

#3 - The process of being elected goes far beyond single issues and
requires you to pander and do things that you could never imagine
yourself doing until being elected is your single objective and
everything else becomes less important. I believe that this is the
process that all politicians recognize as co-opting.


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