What the RIAA really said.

Chris Gehlker canyonrat at mac.com
Tue Jan 1 22:22:36 MST 2008

On Jan 1, 2008, at 9:30 PM, Joshua Zeidner wrote:

>  well I tend to divide 'activism' into distinct stages:
>   1.  Spleen Venting
>   2.  Interest Group Forming
>   3.  Lobbying, calling Congressmen, etc.
>   4.  Legal Action
>  I think at this point, that you've established that the corporations
> are bastards.  Time to progress to stage II.  Honestly, I think a lot
> more of our complaints would be heard and acted upon if we stopped
> being so obsessed with looking intelligent in email and perhaps
> organize a bit?

Lawrence Lessig is advising Obama on IP issues and is going around  
saying that Obama 'gets it'. I don't want to take a simplistic, 'one  
issue', approach to politics but if IP is your primary concern then  
clearly you have your champion. Just support him.
Seven Deadly Sins? I thought it was a to-do list!

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