Is there a simple ethernet splitter?

Alex LeDonne aledonne.listmail at
Wed May 16 06:27:43 MST 2007

On 5/16/07, Josef Lowder <joe at> wrote:
> .
> On Tue, 15 May 2007 23:19, Jon M. Hanson wrote
> > Josef Lowder wrote:
> > >On my 2-Wire modem/router, there is a single ethernet
> > >port that I have my main computer plugged into, and I
> > >have two other computers in our home that connect via
> > >wireless cards.  Now, I've just added another computer
> > >that I'd like to connect via the ethernet port, if
> > >possible.
> > >
> > >Is there such a thing as a simple "splitter" that would
> > >allow me to plug in two computers into a single ethernet
> > >port on my 2-Wire modem/router?
> > >
> > >
> > That's known as a switch or hub. There's a little more to it than
> > just tapping into wires.
> So what do I need to make this work?
> How complicated (and how costly) is it?
> Where do I get whatever device I need?

Newegg has 30 switches listed as $10-$25:

If you don't want to wait for shipping, any office supply,
electronics, or computer big-box store will have them. (Staples, for
example, has a 5-port D-Link switch at $25.)

Not at all complicated. Instead of plugging the computer into the
ethernet port on the router, you'll plug the switch in there. Then,
plug the computers into the switch. There may be some browser-based
configuration, but it should be really easy.

Heck, someone on the list may have an old hub they'll give you.


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