How about some more PLUG member bio sketches?

Scott (angrykeyboarder) geekboy at
Tue Aug 7 13:40:06 MST 2007

Josef Lowder spake thusly:

I'm hoping your intent was for us to answer in this thread.

Here goes...

- Name: Scott (I don't use my last name on teh Internets™)
- Nickname(s): angrykeyboarder, angrykeys, Scotter, Scotty, Scottster.....
- Home location: Near Central and Missouri Avenues in Phoenix
- Profession: I was in the Travel Industry for years (most recently in
corporate travel - a "Travel Counselor"). I'm currently on Social
Security due to disability and therefore, not working.
- Computer(s): Two: One is collecting dust-  Dell Pentium III (circa
1999). 384MB RAM, NVIDIA 16MB TN2, 20GB HDD, Soundblaster Live!). My
current box (as of late 2004 is detailed here:
- Favorite Linux distro: Ubuntu
- Favorite Linux apps: Firefox, Thunderbird, Konsole, Kate, Amarok,
Sound Juicer....
- Percent of computer time using Linux: Varies. On average I'd say 75%
(lately it's been more like 90%).
- How and when did you start using Linux?: I don't recall how I first
discovered it but I started off with Mandrake (now Mandriva) in 1999.
I've since used several other distros.  Ubuntu is currently my primary
one, but I also run Debian Sid, Mandriva and Fedora in Virtual Machines).
- What was your first computer?: Dell "Pentium Classic" (circa 1995).
16MB RAM, 1.5GB HDD, Number Nine Video card (4MB RAM). Soundblaster 16.
- What additional apps do you most want to learn how to use?: I keep
thinking I should learn Vim, but it seems like too much trouble.
- What would be your favorite Linux "banner" slogan?: I'm not sure what
you mean by "banner". Would "trademark" slogan be the same thing?
- Where and when were you born?: 1960, Salt Lake City, Utah (never
Mormon in case anyone was wondering). I've since lived in Phoenix,
Atlanta and now back in Phoenix again.
- What University/school(s) did you attend?: SST Travel School. ;)
- What is your marital & family status?: Single, never married, no kids.
I was engaged once, (for about 18 months, ending in 2004)....
- How does your family cope with living with a Linux enthusiast?: Well
my Mom is fine with it, except when I try to get her to try it. :)
- What is the first hour of your day like?: Quiet, like most of my day.
I spend most all of my time at the computer.
- What are your most indispensable possessions and why?: The computer.
It's my life (especially now). Oh and clothing I suppose. ;)
- Of the places you've lived or visited, what is your favorite?. My fave
place to have lived was Atlanta. I hope to move back there someday. OF
the places I've visited - New York City.
- What would you like to do more of if you had the time? Ask me again
when I'm amongst the gainfully employed. :)
- What do you see from your window?: a courtyard patio.
- If you could take 3 people on a trip, who would you take and why?: I
have no idea. Nobody comes to mind.
- What are your 3 most favorite URLS?:
- What is your favorite quote?: "....the Internet is not something you
just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes." -
United States Senator Ted Stevens (R - Alaska). 	RUNNER UP: "I hear
there's rumors on the Internets" - George W. Bush

©2007 angrykeyboarder™ & Elmer Fudd. All Wites Wesewved

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