How about some more PLUG member bio sketches?

Josef Lowder joe at
Mon Aug 6 10:02:01 MST 2007

On Sun, 05 Aug 2007, Alan Dayley wrote (in part)
> Kurt may be too modest so I'll post this for him

This is great!  I really enjoyed reading Kurt's bio, 
and wish we had many more interview/bios like this for 
all PLUG members. 

I had recently suggested including bios like these on the PLUG 
website.  Until something like that might get done, is there 
perhaps some way of just providing a list of links to introductory
bios like Kurt's on the PLUG website so more could be listed there? 

The KDE "interview" questions were great, and from that model, 
I compiled a list of questions (shown below) so that perhaps 
more PLUG member could use that list (or modify it to suit) 
and thereby quickly and easily jot down some answers to those 
questions to create a similar intro/bio sketch to share. 

This morning, in just a few minutes, I answered those questions 
and uploaded it as a plain text file at the link below.  I'll 
try to improve it later.

I hope others might take a few moments to do something similar.

Here's mine:

Below is a list of suggested questions to answer: 

- Name:
- Nickname(s):
- Home location:
- Profession:
- Computer(s):
- Favorite Linux distro:
- Favorite Linux apps:
- Percent of computer time using Linux:
- How and when did you start using Linux?
- What was your first computer?
- What additional apps do you most want to learn how to use?
- What would be your favorite Linux "banner" slogan?
- Where and when were you born?
- What University/school(s) did you attend?
- What is your marital & family status?
- How does your family cope with living with a Linux enthusiast?
- What is the first hour of your day like?
- What are your most indispensable possessions and why?
- Of the places you've lived or visited, what is your favorite?
- What would you like to do more of if you had the time?
- What do you see from your window?
- If you could take 3 people on a trip, who would you take and why?
- What are your 3 most favorite url's?
- What is your favorite quote?

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