Cheap Linux-Friendly Dialup in Phoenix?

Josef Lowder joe at
Mon Sep 11 12:18:14 MST 2006

On Mon, 11 Sep 2006, vodhner wrote
> Well, Cox has bumped their low-end access from about $24 to more 
> like $30 monthly, blowing my friend's disability-check budget.
> He mentioned NetZero but I think they require a special Windows 
> client -- and I know that such clients claim to boost effective 
> connection speed with added compression and caching features.
> So if I'm trying to keep him running on Linux, what's his best bet?  
> I'd like to keep his bill no higher than about $20 for connect + 
> mailbox.  Performance features would be nice, but keeping him off 
> Windows -- priceless! is only $4.95 per month for up to 200 hours per month. 
I used them with no problem for a couple of years before recently 
switching to DSL. 200 hours per month is about 6-hours per day 
average use and I never got even close to using that much.  With 
all the problems I've had with Qwest, I might eventually go back.

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