Ubuntu vs. Apple [WAS: Re: Novel and Microsoft]

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Sun Nov 12 21:42:58 MST 2006

On Sun, 2006-11-12 at 21:29 -0700, Joshua Zeidner wrote:

>   Well I could give you another reference to a blog entry or
> something, and there are many that hold this opinion, but that doesn't
> really do much for me.  Wikipedia does not necessarily require
> references.  The authority I reference here is entirely my own.  jmz 
impressions can be deceiving. I was at the Apple store at the Biltmore
on a Saturday afternoon a few weeks ago...it's very busy. On the ruby on
rails list, you would swear that just about everyone is on a Mac.

In reality though, their market share doesn't change.

and some things don't change...NeoOffice is a dog, OpenOffice doesn't
get adopted because it only runs on X11 and few Apple Users actually
know what X11 is.

then some things have changed...

opendarwin is dead...http://www.opendarwin.org

Apple's commitment to open source is curious...

which references 'Leopard' and 'Darwin' and perhaps I am the only one
with the impression that Apple's commitment to open source was simply
lip service.

Apple refuses to release a version of QuickTime for Linux.
Apple hasn't helped to get OpenOffice ported to the Mac.


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