Wanted Someone to Coordinate the Westside PLUG Meetings
PLUGd at LuftHans.com
Mon May 15 14:53:55 MST 2006
Am 15. May, 2006 schwätzte Craig White so:
> Personally, I wouldn't mind doing it if but only if it wasn't an attempt
> to make it another generalized meeting like the one at Sequoia. My
> interest would be to have a small business orientation with each month
> being a different topic on this line (and I presume that small business
> also encompasses soho). Topics along the lines of TCP/IP networks, DHCP,
> DNS, LDAP, SMTP, IMAP, Web Applications, FOSS usage of
> databases/OpenOffice, etc.
We can have themed meetings. The devel meeting is an example of such.
Having he west side meetings be small business oriented would be cool.
In fact, I've been trying to gather interest in doing a Free Software for
small/medium business seminar. You haven't been at Stammtisch ( tomorrow
night ) or the meetings I've attended, so I haven't talked to you about
Anyone interested in helping us get a couple of seminars going? I need
someone willing to lead the project as the steering committee does not
have the time resources needed.
> If there is an agreement to handle the 'west side' meetings with this
> bent (and not to mirror general stuff of the east side), then I probably
> would have a go at it.
That is a possibility. We might have something else already running. I'm
waiting on confirmation info. That something else might actually lend
itself well to some of the small business topics.
Personally I would prefer that the small business meeting be somewhat more
geographically centered.
Craig, thanks for volunteering to help. Let's figure out a way to make it
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# <allbery_b> wouldn't that be "shopping is hard, let's do math"?
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