G/L Stammtisch tomorrow
PLUGd at LuftHans.com
Mon May 15 14:57:46 MST 2006
moin moin,
yup, it's that time again. The GNU/Linux Stammtisch is tomorrow ( Tuesday
) night at Plaid in Tempe.
The GNU/Linux Stammtisch is a social environment for Linux, *BSD and Free
Software enthusiasts that meets at The Plaid Eatery every third Tuesday of
the month. We start about 19:00 and run until we leave or 22:00, whichever
is later :)
Plaid Eatery is in Tempe at 1044 S Terrace Road, Tempe, AZ, just east of
the ASU main campus. They have wireless internet (no fun without bandwidth
:), full restaurant menu, beer and other drinks.
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# As we enjoy great Advantages from the
# Inventions of others we should be glad of an
# Opportunity to serve others by any Invention of ours,
# and this we should do freely and generously.
# -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), on his refusal to patent his inventions.
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