Free as in Freedom

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Mon May 8 09:37:26 MST 2006

Many (most) of you are well aware of the need and benefits of Free
Software / Open Source software. Linux isn't just about saving bucks.

There's a new resource to help keep tabs on how nicely vendors are
playing in the Free/Open world. Check out to
see who's helping and who's hurting Free Software.

This is very new, but it's a great idea that could help all of us in
several ways:

1. Know what hardware has specs released. This mean community supported
drivers. This means the hardware works for you! This means the vendor
"gets it" and wants *your* business.

2. Know which vendors to avoid, due to blob-only drivers or vendor
supplied "open source" drivers full of magic numbers.

3. Coordinate efforts to let vendors know what we expect of them before
we'll purchase their hardware.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler at   |  |

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