Linux on laptops
Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr.
plug at
Wed May 3 11:28:37 MST 2006
I tried Ubuntu and did not really like it on one of my notebooks. It worked
fine but seemed a little slow. Additionally it took me a while to get my
wireless adapter to work with it being unfamiliar with debian package
management and what I consider poor tools in general available for wireless
adapter configuration.
I have enjoyed using OpenSuse 10.0 the most on work stations and notebooks.
I had not touched Suse for 10 years when I hated it. I had no problem
installing it and YaST has sure come a long way (very nice tool). It seems
to run quicker that Ubuntu, was not quiet as simplified as Ubuntu, but sure
had a short learning curve. I use YaST to configure wireless with Suse
which works ok, but still think the wireless adapter configuration tools are
In general I use RHEL and its clones on my servers (no X) and am happy with
them but do not like RedHat products on desktops, workstations, or
notebooks. Fedora has a short life span and many bugs that I always hear
about. Enterprise Linux is not polished enough with its desktop interface.
My 2 cents...
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