IPCop vs Smoothwall

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at stilyagin.com
Thu Mar 30 12:20:14 MST 2006

Alex Dean wrote:

> I'm using IPCop at home on a PII with 256MB.  I haven't use Smoothwall.
> IPCop is a champ.  Farily easy to configure, well documented, and  
> there are lots of free addon packages for doing things like mail or  
> web content filtering.  The ipcop-users mailing list is also  
> generally responsive to questions.  (Not as friendly as PLUG, though.)
> alex
> ps - I haven't yet found an addon package that will support Snort  
> (intrusion detection) logging to MySQL.  All you get by default is  
> logging to a text file, which you can read via IPCop's web  
> interface.  Not very useful, as you basically have to troll through  
> pages and pages of log entries looking for possible problems.  I've  
> turned Snort off until I find a more effective way to analyze its  
> logs.  That's maybe a little off topic, but it's the only thing I've  
> yet wanted from IPCop that hasn't been easy to add.

IPCop is a great solution, and has many features. It'll probably have 
more in the future. Make enough (polite) noise, and someone may add 
snort+mysql, since that would be useful to a fairly wide audience.

But if you're going to get advanced enough in your desires or 
requirements then you might consider learning to set up a firewall 
yourself using iptables, etc. Or use OpenBSD (pf is *way* easier to 
learn than iptables) ;)

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler at stilyagin.com   |  http://bsd.phoenix.az.us/
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |

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