net neutrality commercials?

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Mon Dec 18 09:39:04 MST 2006

On Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 09:15:55AM -0700, Nathan Aubrey wrote:
> I still don't understand what it is. I have read a few things and it seems 
> they were quite confused as well. Atleast, they made no sense to me. When 
> someone I trust finally takes a stand one way or another, hopefully he'll 
> explain to me why so I can make a decision. 
> Is there a clear explanation of it? Or does anyone care to take a stab?

If you listen to either side the issues seem simple, but it's not simple
because both sides have a hidden agenda. Typical of anything that moves
from the business world into legislation...

One of the most interesting ideas I've heard came from Robert X.
Cringley: each municipality should take charge of its own local network
infrastructure. Laying the fiber could be subcontracted out, but the
fiber would be owned by the town/city/county. Long distance links
between cities would be provided by existing carriers. This would create
a market with carriers competing to provide service, rather than a few
carriers acting as a cartel, and no need for federal legislation.    

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler at   |  |

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