Flash player

Kenneth madhse at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 21 20:58:32 MST 2006

> Am 21. Aug, 2006 schwätzte Kenneth so:
> > Ok, after the thread the other day that got off on the topic of a flash
> > plugin, I decided to try to get one working here, and I've had no luck. 
> > This is on Fedora Core 5, but I have a similar problem on the couple of
> > other distros I've used recently.  I just never really needed flash, so I
> > never worried about it.
> It's better that way ;-).

Agreed, but sometimes the bug just hits me and I want to know why things work
(or don't work)....

> > I downloaded the plugin file from the automatic installer that comes up
> > in firefox. It installed a .so and a .xpt file into ~/.mozilla/plugins.
> > If I start up firefox and type about:plugins, it does not show the flash
> > plugin. I checked the permissions on the files, looked ok to me.
> Does Fedora not have flash/swf packages?
> libflash-mozplugin - GPL Flash (SWF) Library - Mozilla-compatible plugin
> libflash-swfplayer - GPL Flash (SWF) Library - stand-alone player
> swf-player - SWF (Macromedia Flash) player

I'll look again. Using yum search didn't show anything that had to do with
flash, but maybe I missed something.

> You could also use the Unplug Firefox extension to download the swf file
> and play it with mplayer.
> Web browsers shouldn't make noise :).

Agree with that too. I usually have speakers turned off.  Don't even have
spekers attached to the dedicated Linux machine.  I'm not curious enough to
go to the trouble of downloading and playing in separate steps.

> Firefox does require restarting after the plugin is installed.
> I've used both the GPLd and proprietary players. The GPLd player used to
> have lots of problems, but I think it's been working well. Also, unlike
> the proprietary player, there is work going on for the GPLd player and I
> believe they're trying to suppor the newest version of swf.
> See https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/29760 for info on getting sound
> working with swf and Firefox.

Thanks for all the info, I'll look some more.

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