New website accessability support

Alan Dayley alandd at
Thu Oct 27 09:56:56 MST 2005

We are rapidly working toward the launch of the new PLUG website.  Over in
the plug-webdev list, the topic of accessability for the vision impared
has already received significant discussion.  Right from the first, some
members expressed the desire to be helpful to visitors and members with
vision issues.

While we have already choosen the starter template for the look of the
site, the plan is to eventually have multiple templates for each user to
choose from.  Selecting or creating a template for accessability will be a
top priority.  I'd like to invite anyone with web accessability
experience, by study and/or necessity, to join the plug-webdev email list.
 We will need your input after the site goes live and accessability issues
begin to be more directly addressed.

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