Ubuntu install problem

Bart Garst bartgarst at cox.net
Tue Jul 12 16:09:08 MST 2005

> Thanks for the advice.  If I add a repository to the list, how does that
> work?  (I figured out how to do this in Synaptic, but don't know what
> will happen if I do.)  Does it automatically search the new repository
> site last?  Or can I specify which one to look in first for a given
> search?  I'd probably have to do the latter, since imlib on ubuntu isn't
> missing, it's just broken.  Another question - how would I know which
> Debian repository was compatible with Ubuntu 5.04??
> Vaughn

I was under the impression that debian & ubuntu were compatible. I may have
been wrong in that assumption. I found this (http://tinyurl.com/cnkct) on
Slashdot and it sounds as if mixing the two is a bad idea.

When you add a repository, you would need to run `apt-get update`. Then when
you attempt to install a package, apt will search *all* the repositories it
knows about for the most current version. I don't think there is a search

If it were my system, and I was facing the dilemma you are, I'd attempt an
install via the ubuntu source package. If that failed, I'd attempt to build
from a tar ball.

I don't know where any ubuntu source repositories are. If you manage to
locate them, you can read about using apt to install from source here:


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