a cool Opera feature that Mozilla doesn't have
Derek Neighbors
27 May 2003 21:57:29 -0700
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On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 21:01, Lynn David Newton wrote:
> >> One can set the editor to use when viewing source.
> >> I set it to /usr/local/bin/gnuclient, ...
> Derek> Use Galeon. It is much more responsive UI wise
> Derek> than Mozilla (but uses the Mozilla rendering
> Derek> engine). It has this feature.
> Oh really? I start Galeon from a command line, it leads
> me through some startup options, and this is what I get
> on the command line:
> $ galeon
> (QFA)Talkback error: Can't initialize.
> ** WARNING **: compiled mozilla version 1.0.1 !=3D detected mozilla_versi=
on 1.2.1
> ** WARNING **: could not load bookmarks!
> LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /home/lnewton/mozilla/plu=
gins/java2/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so [/home/lnewton/mozilla/pl=
ugins/java2/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so: cannot open shared obje=
ct file: No such file or directory]
> /usr/bin/galeon-bin: relocation error: /usr/bin/galeon-bin: undefined sym=
bol: CreateInstance__18nsComponentManagerRC4nsIDP11nsISupportsT1PPv
> The program starts briefly and crashes immediately.
> Great program. Now I remember why I never used it
> before.
> Thanks for the suggestion, but I like Mozilla.
No offense, but its not Galeon's problem if you compiled it incorrectly
or use a distribution unable to cope with handling dependencies
properly. ;)
Derek Neighbors
GNU Enterprise
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