Newbie Server--Admin. Questions.
Mon, 26 May 2003 20:07:50 -0700 (PDT)
I have been using linux for a while new mostly as a
work station and playing with it by setting up a home
server. Tomorrow I finally get DSL with a static IP
addy, and I am going to have a web server. All my
experience before hand with linux is pretty much for
programming. I may be asking a lot of questions for
help during this process, but tomorrow I was going to
start setting up the software. On this server the
only services I want is the http server, ftp, ssh, and
email server. So a few questions:
If I am only going to have these service, it the
X-windows system needed to be installed? As a newbie
would there be a benifit for me to have X on there, or
should I just not install it? When I set up a home
server 95% of my configuring was on the command line,
so I have to imagine I could do with it.
Would it be recommend to have the network tools, like
nmap and ping on the server?
Can/does the e-mail server go on the same box as the
http server?
I am going to be using Slackware as the O/S, the
Apache as the http server. The others I have not
I am open to other advice, and I would appreciate
any help.
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