Max IDE Cable Length?
Bryce C
06 May 2003 16:18:34 -0700
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While they might be pretty and easier to move around, I don't reccoment
using round IDE cables. With all the wires lumped together, the
interference from one wire can, and does affect every other wire near it
instead of just 2. This has a negative impact on the bus speed as
compared to ribbons. I've benchmarked both cables using dbench and I
found the round IDE cable to be WAY slower than the ribbon type. The
only thing I would use a "round" cable on is the floppy drive. There,
the access speed is slow enough such that you won't notice (or bench)
the difference.
In short (hehe), stay away from round IDE cables.
On Tue, 2003-05-06 at 10:25, Fritz wrote:
> I purchased some of those new-fangled "round" IDE
> cables the other day. They're much easier to work with
> and they probably do allow better air flow in the cabinet.
> These cables are 24" long. I was under the impression
> that the IDE Spec limited cables to 18". The salesman
> said "I'm sure that they're OK, otherwise no one would
> be making them and we wouldn't be selling them".
> Well, with logic like that I promptly opened my wallet
> and ....
> Has it got anything to do with the old ATA/33/66 vs. the
> new ATA/100/133? Or the old 40 conductor vs. the new
> 80 conductor? Anyone have any clues about this?
> The system *seems* to work fine. Perhaps, my data is
> quietly being corrupted, bit by bit ............ :-(
> Fritz Kolberg
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