How M$ broke Opera
Aaron Cordova
Sat, 08 Mar 2003 21:12:42 +0000
I read the same article it was on where I read it. I cant
believe that M$ does such BS things.
Aaron Cordova
>From: Carl Parrish <>
>To: Plug-discuss <>
>Subject: How M$ broke Opera
>Date: 08 Mar 2003 14:09:35 -0700
>A few weeks ago I came across a webpage that gave technical details on
>how Microsoft intentionally broke MSN for Opera. I thought this was on
>the Opera site but now searching there I can't find it. Any one know
>what I'm taking about? It was mostly just an explanation of how they
>fixed the css for Opera to look wrong. (I believe they did the same to
>mozilla not that long ago). I'm trying to find proof of how they've done
>this. As well as ways that M$ has encouraged web designers to use IE
>specific tags instead of industry standards.
>Carl Parrish (
>Registered Linux User #295761
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