Next InstallFest

Alan Dayley
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 14:33:15 -0700 (GMT)

If you want to pull in people from outside the Linux community, and if you want to get some business sponsorships you must allow AT LEAST 2 months for publicity and negociations to take place.

And, you can't go to most potential sponsors and say "We are still setting the time and place so will you be a sponsor?"  The date, time and place must be finalized at least 2 months ahead of time and THEN we can go get sponsors and start publishing announcements.

(Quoth Alan, he who has sought sponsors for previous InstallFests.)

-------Original Message-------
From: Robert Wultsch <>
Sent: 06/27/03 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: Next InstallFest

> Score! No clue where it should be but the when I have some thoughts on. 
How bout at least a month from now.