Mandrake 9.0 X window wrong login screen

Robert Lindley
Wed, 04 Jun 2003 22:01:52 -0700

Thanks for the quick reply.

Looked in all three user home directories (root, bob, and vera) and none
have a ~/.xsession file. However, each has a ~/.xsession-errors file.

If I go to Mandrake Control Center and boot tab, then set autoboot on
and X comes up just fine from boot. If I either turn autoboot off or
logout, the strange login window comes back and the only way to get a
proper X window is to shutdown and restart with autoboot.  I looked in
/etc/lilo.conf and no strange parameters are added to the linux boot.
There is a configuration file somewhere that sets how and/or which X
login window comes up when X starts. Can't find it.

The xdm man page is 1136 lines long. wow

All of the X configuration files it calls out at the end are dated
10-sep-02 -- so they did not change. There seems to be at least two
versions of XDMCP and sometimes the wrong one gets selected.

When the wrong X starts these lines appear in .xsession-errors that do
not appear when X strts OK. (diff output)

 > fd 3 is not a master pty device (it is 0, 0)
 > undecodable token: \001b(hex)[36l
 > QFont::setPixelSize: Pixel size <= 0 (-1)
 > X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
 >   Major opcode of failed request:  25 (X_SendEvent)
 >   Resource id in failed request:  0x1200008
 >   Serial number of failed request:  4318
 >   Current serial number in output stream:  4508
 > kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
 > kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
 > KLauncher: Exiting on signal 1
 > /usr/bin/startkde: line 217:  2288 Segmentation fault      artsshell 
-q terminate
 > kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
 > kdeinit: Exit.

?? I am lost.

Bob Lindley

Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, William Lindley wrote:
>>>Also, look at your ~/.xsession file.
>>Presumably that's the per-user settings...
> Yes.
>>What determines what program appears that lets you login?  Must be some
>>system-wide X setting someplace?
>>Is there an explanation someplace that details what happens in Runlevel 5
>>when you get the graphical X login?
> Without looking at Mandrake specifically, I'd start with the xdm manual
> page.
> xdm runs Xstartup (or as defined by DisplayManager*startup) when the user
> logs in. Then it runs the Xsession script as that user. Commonly these are
> located at /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xstartup and
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession. (Maybe under /etc/X11/xdm on your box.)
> The Xsession script is what redirects errors to ~/.xsession-error and uses
> the per-user ~/.xsession script. You could edit the system-wide  Xsession
> to start what you want.
> If not using an xdm, but starting X manually, look at defaults in
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc, for example.
>    Jeremy C. Reed
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