Red Hat 8.0 Installation Takes Way Too Long

Voltage Spike
Mon, 2 Jun 2003 17:20:25 -0700

On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 06:37:51PM -0700, Alan Dayley wrote:

> After one google search I found that the IDE controller chip was a
> known buggy thing that couldn't handle Linux.  Pages of horror
> stories.  So, I got a new controller at a used parts place and all
> was well.  In your case with the controller on the mother board, you
> would have to change out the whole board.

Is it true that the problem calls for a new motherboard?  Although I
have never tried it, it seems that I can: a) disable the bad IDE
controllers in the BIOS, and b) install an IDE PCI card.

                                                           Voltage Spike
     (. .)