Module loading at startup
Brian Cluff
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 14:38:32 -0700
Jenny Charlene wrote:
> With my previous kernel (2.4.18-19 RedHat 8.0) I compiled in crypto support,
> mainly because I couldn't get the modules to autoload. Now, I've got
> 2.4.18-24 going and would like to get things working this time around.
> My question is how do you specify modules to load at startup?
> Things work ok with the standart distro modules, but the crypto modules are
> included, but not really a part of the distro, so they don't seem to get the
> system calls to auto load. I would add 'alias' lines to modules.conf, but I
> don't know what to alias to what. I've tried adding 'insmod cryptoapi' into
> it, but that just causes an error.
Where in the boot process are you trying to get the modules to load?
Do you need them to just be loaded somewhere in your boot process, or do
you need you be get loaded before anything starts running.
I you just need them loaded sometime during boot, put the name of the
module into /etc/modules (at least thats where you put it for mandrake
and debian.. I believe redhat uses the same standard now too, but I
could be wrong)
If you need your modules loaded from the very beginning of the boot
process, you will have to add them into your initrd image.
see the name page for mkinitrd and the files in /etc/mkinitrd for how to
do that.
Brian Cluff