Sat, 5 Apr 2003 14:39:32 -0700 (MST)
Am 05. Apr, 2003 schw=E4tzte Kyle Faber so:
> =09My expectation is that I will probably have two or three engineers fir=
e up a
> vmware instalation the two times per week that they need to design or rev=
> a few parts.
See if you can do that via an LTSP type of thing. Then you just have a
vmware or WINE or some such server that makes the apps available via the
> =09Why vmware? $300 per chair is cheap compared to the rest of the appli=
> I can supply for free on their primary Linux desktop, as well as the
> inconvienece of rebooting. That and vmware can be a memory hog. Its not
> something you want to leave open all the time, thus eliminating the
> "omni-present freeware" installs that happen fairly regularly on win32
> platforms. It will be awhile before those programs migrate to Linux.
I'm told apps on m$ do stupid things about believing where stuff is open,
etc. Could you make the C:\ a read-only image and then let them save their
work to d:\?
Maybe always start vmware from a static image that has SMB access to a
fileserver, then you know they're not keeping anything installed :).
# C'est la Net - der.hans