Sat, 5 Apr 2003 14:04:38 -0700 (MST)
Am 04. Apr, 2003 schw=E4tzte Ed Skinner so:
> I would have two concerns, one major, one minor.
> My major concern would be using the default Lindows configuration w=
> runs the user as 'root'. A really bad, bad idea that leaves the system in=
> extremely vulnerable state. But I'm also told that this can be changed so
> that normal users run as normal Linux users. If you do that, I'd say the
> major problem is fixed.
When I saw they shipped with root as the default login I wiped it.
Having a default lindows user and using a suexec to fire up utils that need
root would've been bad enough, but defaulting to login as root says they
don't understand security well enough to be used in a home environment, muc=
less a business environment.
> The minor problem is that your company will have to pay for Lindows
> itself and for the subscription that enables upgrades. If your system
That's not a problem. The business should be paying for support anyway.
Maybe not necessarily $100/box, but businesses should pay for support for
the tools they use. This especially holds true for infrastructure.
# Motorraeder toeten nicht. Motorraeder werden getoetet.