Hard disk exerciser

Bryce C plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
02 Apr 2003 19:22:01 -0700

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Google for "dBench". It's a disk access benchmark program that has
raised my load average to over 1000!

On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 19:16, Scott wrote:
> I have a laptop that recently likes to shut itself off - for no appearant=
> reason.  I suspect the hard drive may be the culprit because the sudden=20
> power offs only seem to happen during disk access.  I was wondering if=20
> anyone knew of a program that will let me "exercise" the disk.  Note:=20
> there is no option in the BIOS to do this.  Any info would be appreciated=
> scott
Bryce C <Plug@BryceCo.Net>
CoBryce Communications

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