Are there any *fast* linux web devel tools?
Kevin Buettner
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 14:50:53 -0700
On Sep 17, 2:33pm, Mark Berkwitt wrote:
> It's interesting that you should mention emacs. I just started learning
> emacs while wondering if I should invest my time in vim instead.
This is a long running debate. It can be just as inflammatory as asking
which Linux distro is best.
> I have a
> book, "GNU Emacs" 2nd ed. Oreilly 1996, based on Version 19.30 where the
> author describes the advances and differences since the book's first edition
> based on Version 18. Here we are at Version 21 suggesting I should probably
> toss the book and use the online and help tutorials.
I'm not an emacs user, but I should think that your book will still be
useful for learning the basics.