font size
David A. Sinck
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 08:50:14 -0700
\_ SMTP quoth on 9/13/2002 19:51 as having spake thusly:
\_ On Fri, 13 Sep 2002, molossermom wrote:
\_ > help ! i can only work on my linux machine for about an hour before i go blind looking at the tiny font size. i tried changing it in my nautilus preferences but it only changed it for the icons not globally.
\_ > i especially need to be able to change it in the terminal emulation program.
\_ > thanks
\_ if you are using gnome: start here icon->desktop preferences->font
\_ for kde: open kcontrol->Look & Feel->Fonts
\_ for gnome-terminal: edit->current profile
\_ not sure how in other term programs.
The 'typical' X way is '-fn <font>' on the command line. You can get
a list of fonts via 'xlsfonts', but that's not really palatible unless
you know what the pieces mean. :-) Try 'xfontsel' instead.
Another solution is to use the xresource database and stuff values in
it ala:
echo "emacs*font: fixed" | xrdb -merge
putting the above quoted line in ~/.Xdefaults