Star Office and PDF
Dennis Kibbe
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 19:28:08 -0700
On Monday 16 September 2002 12:58 am, you wrote:
> How can I get the Star Office print to file option to work for PDF? And
> why did ps2pdf not function as it should? How can I fix?
I do ad work every month that involves converting PageMaker files to PDF.
Acrobat deals with fonts (TrueType) by converting the fonts in the document
to Adobe Type 1 fonts. The quality of the original font is critical to the
conversion process and including it in the PDF file. If you have sentences in
the PDF output the lot like Courier run together when it should be some other
font, you can bet it is a problem converting the original font.
Try using a different original font. any TrueType font from a known foundry
should convert OK.
Dennis Kibbe