What's the difference between mod_php4, mod_php, and php?
Matt Alexander
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 18:31:57 -0700 (PDT)
On Sun, 15 Sep 2002, Mark Berkwitt wrote:
> I just noticed your post about upgrading mod_ssl. I just tried to get my
> brother to browse my server from afar, but he got nothing. I'm using cox.net
> so perhaps they have a block.
Yes, cox@home has ports 80 and 25 blocked, and according to your service
agreement you're not supposed to run "servers."
> Would you make a suggestion how I can connect apache to the outside world?
Locate your httpd.conf (type: "locate httpd.conf") and edit it so that
the line that currently starts with "#Listen 80" is changed to "Listen
8080" (don't forget to remove the pound sign). Restart Apache and then
browse the root of your webserver by tacking on ":8080" to all requests,
like this:
or, for your brother to see you, substitute your IP address for
> If or when I succeed is that ssl worm you posted about a real threat to
> me? Did upgrading openssl/openssl-devel help or should I consider
> something else?
No, you still need to upgrade the mod_ssl RPM, and you really should
upgrade Apache as well (or just upgrade all the software listed).
Type this:
rpm -q apache
This should verify that the Apache RPM is installed and give you some
version information.