What's the difference between mod_php4, mod_php, and php?
Mike Starke
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 18:19:50 -0500
I can not confirm whether COX has port 80 blocked or not,
but I do know you can run it on port, let's say, 8080 and
it will work. I also know you can run SSL (port 443) and it
wasn't blocked for me.
Me, Ihave an OpenBSD box between my apache and COX's network.
I just set up a redirect on the bsd and don't have to monkey around
seting up apache to run on a differant port.
I just noticed your post about upgrading mod_ssl. I just tried to get my
brother to browse my server from afar, but he got nothing. I'm using cox.net
so perhaps they have a block. Would you make a suggestion how I can connect
apache to the outside world? If or when I succeed is that ssl worm you posted
about a real threat to me? Did upgrading openssl/openssl-devel help or should
I consider something else?