SuSE linux 8.0 & IPMasq - WRAP UP

George Toft
Sun, 08 Sep 2002 22:35:26 -0400

No - thank you - it looked like you were getting frustrated in your last

Test your system:
- port scan:
- vulnerability test:

You could get on IRC and have some PLUG member run nmap and nessus
against you - pretty much the same thing.  nessus is enlightening.  If
comp A is configured correctly, all that will happen is the logs will
grow.  If it is not . . . better you know now than later :)

For anyone who thinks security is not important, I invite you to check
out my newest web page, which is updated weekly (I love expect) which
shows how many port scans/attacks I get each week.  Yes, I was attacked
by an adept hacker (pre-arranged).  Site:

Excellent vulnerability tests can be found at  I know
he (Jay) plugs PLUG and AZIPA, but seriously, he's got an excellent
service.  Part with the $20 and know that your system is safe, or find
out it is not and take action.  Better to know you are unsafe than think
you are when you are not,


Clayton Stapleton wrote:
> On Sunday 08 September 2002 12:45 pm, George Toft wrote:
> > If Comp B can ping Comp A, and Comp A can ping ISP, it stands to reason
> > that Comp B can ping ISP, UNLESS Comp A is preventing it.
> >
> > I looked at your firewall script from Tue, 27 Aug 2002 08:52:00, and I
> > see nothing that prevents Comp B from pinging ISP.
> >
> > When connected to your ISP, do these and post the results:
> > loran:/home/clay # route -n
> > eric:/home/clay # route -n
> > loran:/home/clay # cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> >
> > George
> Hi George
> Tried pinging and to worked. Then I tried cnn, google, plug
> from comp B and they all worked. So it seems that it is functioning as it
> should. Now to get the IP-Masq stronger firewall working.
> Thanks for the patience.
> Clayton
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