SuSE linux 8.0 & IPMasq

Clayton Stapleton
Sun, 8 Sep 2002 18:30:59 -0700

On Sunday 08 September 2002 12:45 pm, George Toft wrote:
> If Comp B can ping Comp A, and Comp A can ping ISP, it stands to reason
> that Comp B can ping ISP, UNLESS Comp A is preventing it.
> I looked at your firewall script from Tue, 27 Aug 2002 08:52:00, and I
> see nothing that prevents Comp B from pinging ISP.
> When connected to your ISP, do these and post the results:
> loran:/home/clay # route -n
> eric:/home/clay # route -n
> loran:/home/clay # cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> George

Hi George
Tried pinging and to worked. Then I tried cnn, google, plug
from comp B and they all worked. So it seems that it is functioning as it
should. Now to get the IP-Masq stronger firewall working.

Thanks for the patience.