A problem.
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 13:11:04 -0700
Gary Nichols wrote:
> ...
> Chill. Nothing in life (especially on a LUG list) is worth getting this
> hostile over.
I fully agree.
> That being said, and since I was not involved in this "discussion", I'm
> going to mention H1tler to end this.
> ***** I hereby invoke Godwin's Rule. *****
You get an "A" for good intentions, but...
Quirk's Exception: Intentional invocation of this so-called "Nazi
Clause" is ineffectual.
Conveniently quoted from: http://www.killfile.org/faqs/godwin.html
Fortunately, it seems to have died anyway. More wisdom from that same
Rule #90120: Applying your standards to someone else's post *will*
result in a flamewar.
Steve :-)