A problem.

Gary Nichols plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 10:44:20 -0700 (MST)

On 22 Oct 2002, Lee Levine wrote:

> Well it sure as hell isn't a list for spelling,
> otherwise you wouldn't be on it!


> You want me off the list, then have the moderator boot me.
> You are making a big deal over nothing as I have stopped using
> html quite a while ago.
> Something you have yet to get through your thick skull.

Chill.  Nothing in life (especially on a LUG list) is worth getting this 
hostile over.  

That being said, and since I was not involved in this "discussion", I'm 
going to mention H1tler to end this.

***** I hereby invoke Godwin's Rule. *****

Godwin's Rule:  As a Usenet thread continues, the chances become more
and more likely that someone will eventually make a comparison of someone 
or something to Hitler.  To curb this from happening, Godwin's Rule was 
created, saying that whenever the comparison to Hitler is made, Godwin's 
Rule my be cited, and then the thread is automatically over, and whomever 
made the citation towards Hitler automatically loses the argument.

Gary Nichols RHCE