wireless gateway & openbsd

Taliesin MacAran plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 17:47:58 +0000 (GMT)

Sorry, but if what you say is possible,
then I'll stick to cable modem.


On 10/14/02 at 17:31, Tom Emerson spake thusly:

> Hmmm, I thought all the wireless buzz was about making open access 
> available everywhere ... so that people driving by your home will be able 
> to check their email & surf as they pass by??
>  ... wasn't this the AP access project that bases access on the MAC 
> address? (and it is totally spoofable).  My two cents worth, assume 
> _somebody_ is going to be sniffing your AP and potentially access your 
> network, secure your network with this in mind.
>  - tom e.