Question for Carl Parish
Carl Parrish
13 Oct 2002 16:35:47 -0700
On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 08:09, Chris Feltner wrote:
> Carl, I have a few questions for you regarding the steps that you have suggested.
> $ rpm -iv ./j2sdk-1_4_0_01-linux-i586.rpm
> The rpm will have installed the sdk to the /usr/java/ dir so you will have to add that to your PATH environment variable. Quite a few java programs will look for an environment variable called JAVA_HOME so lets do them both at the same time. First open your /etc/profile file
> QUESTION #1; I didn't have to install the rpm above, but the file is in the directory that you said it would be in. Is everything still the way it should be?
Since it doesn't seem to be installed correctly I would remove this rpm
first then try to reinstall it.
> $ vi /etc/profile
> Then add the following lines
> QUESTION #2; When I put vi /etc/profile.d I get colored characters and no comand prompt, what should I do at this point, before I add the following lines?
It should be /etc/profile not /etc/profile.d The tutorial is set for vi
but if you don't know vi just use your favorite editor.
Carl Parrish