Question for Carl Parish
Matt Alexander
Sun, 13 Oct 2002 10:47:23 -0700 (PDT)
On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, Chris Feltner wrote:
> Carl, I have a few questions for you regarding the steps that you have suggested.
I'm not Carl, but I'll try to help out.
> $ rpm -iv ./j2sdk-1_4_0_01-linux-i586.rpm
> QUESTION #1; I didn't have to install the rpm above, but the file is in
> the directory that you said it would be in. Is everything still the way
> it should be?
Why didn't you have to install the RPM? Is there something in /usr/java
> QUESTION #2; When I put vi /etc/profile.d I get colored characters and
> no comand prompt, what should I do at this point, before I add the
> following lines?
/etc/profile.d is a directory. You want to edit /etc/profile instead. If
you haven't used vi before, I would suggest you try the pico editor
instead. Pico is a little more intuitive to start off with, but I
recommend you learn vi eventually.
pico /etc/profile