gateway setup

cliff rogers
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 21:15:49 -0800

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Hey all, I am trying again to set up my penguin box to be a =
gateway/router. I have installed Clarkconnect which is a preconfigured =
redhat distro but when I boot up it fails the eth0 setup. my eth1 setup =
is ok. When I do ifconfig I get Interrupt 11 Base address 0xcc00 for my =
eth0 and Interrupt 3 Base add.0xe800 for eth1. Does this give anyone any =
ideas as to what I should do or what I should check? I appreciate any =
help.   Cliff

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<DIV><FONT size=3D4>Hey all, I am trying again to set up my penguin box =
to be a=20
gateway/router. I have installed Clarkconnect which is a preconfigured =
distro but when I boot up it fails the eth0 setup. my eth1 setup is ok. =
When I=20
do ifconfig I get Interrupt 11 Base address 0xcc00 for my eth0 and =
Interrupt 3=20
Base add.0xe800 for eth1. Does this give anyone any ideas as to what I =
should do=20
or what I should check? I appreciate any help.&nbsp;&nbsp;=20
