IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
James Mabry
Sun, 24 Nov 2002 16:49:05 -0700
Carl Parrish wrote:
>I just started reading this thread so I'm not sure what you're looking
>for in an IDE. I too do most of my work in vim (actually with abit of
>work you can make vim do just about anything you can get done in an
>ide). That said my favorite IDEs are eclipse and freeride. eclipse is
>nice for just about any language I work with. The ruby plugin is still
>to new however so don't try to do ruby work in eclipse instead use
>Carl P.
I'm just looking for something simple that'll get the job. I've been
messing around with Motor and this interfaces seems to be more like what
I'm used to. However I will check out eclipse and freeride because I've
never run across either of these.
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