Forcing a 10/100 NIC to run at 10

Scott H
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 23:26:42 -0800 (PST)

|> I have a Compaq DeskPro 4000 with an
|> Netelligent (TLAN) 10/100 Ethernet card.  I
|> see from the hub it's plugged into that it is
|> running at 100Mb.  All the other machines on
|> hub are running at 10.  I am suspicious that
|> is causing some kinds of problems with
|> communications between machines on my LAN.  Is
|> there a tool that can be used to hard code the
|> NIC to run at 10?

|From 'man ifconfig'

|      -  media type

|	Set the physical port or medium type to be
|used by the
|device.  Not all devices can change this
setting, |and those that can vary
|in what values they support.  Typical values for
|type are 10base2 (thin
|Ethernet), 10baseT (twisted-pair 10Mbps
|Ethernet), AUI (external
|transceiver) and so on.  The special medium type
|of auto can be used to
|tell the driver to auto-sense the media.  Again,
|not all drivers can do

|Adding a media flag with the value 10baseT to
|your ifconfig entry might
|facilitate this. Note, as documented, this may
|not work with all cards.
|Push come to shove, I think I've got a 10meg NIC
|you can borrow. =)

|- billn

OK, this is what I get (FWIW, I'm connected to
this box with vnc, if that makes a diff):

# ifconfig eth0 media 10baseT
port: SIOCSIFMAP: Operation not supported

I presume that means the card won't accept that
configuration from the OS, right?  Or does this
have to be somehow done at boot?

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